World-Architects, in cooperation with C.FATH architecture communication,
organized a three-day forum with international speakers from different professions at the digitalBAU from 31. May - 2. June 2022
at Koelnmesse. Lectures on topics from urban development, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) as well as research
and science were given. In addition, World-Architects organized five guided tours with experts who showed planners
the existing opportunities of digital building and discussed open questions regarding the application of new methods.
Gerald Böse, Chairman of the Board of Management, Koelnmesse GmbH; Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer,
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Management Messe München GmbH; Dieter Schäfer, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Messe BAU;
Prof. Joaquin Diaz, Chairman of the Board of Bundesverband Bausoftware; Inga Stein-Barthelmes,
Managing Director planen-bauen 4.0; Ernst Uhing, President of the Chamber of Architects NRW; Jörg Ziolkowski,
Managing Director ASTOC Architects and Planners; moderated by Renato Turri, CEO World-Architects. Statement (digital) by Francesca Bria,
President of the Italian National Innovation Fund, CDP Venture Capital Sgr, Rome.
10:00 – 10:30
Jörg Ziolkowski
ASTOC Architects and Planners, Cologne, Karlsruhe, Basel
«Big Picture - Big Data»
10:30 – 11:00
Martin Rein-Cano
TOPOTEK 1 office, Berlin, Zürich
«Superficial Surfaces»
11:00 – 11:30
Francesca Ferguson
RE_MAKECITY, Berlin, London
«Process and change management for our time: urban design strategies for the big rethink on
urban reuse strategies»
11:30 – 12:00
Panel Discussion
12:00 – 12:30
12:00 - 13:30
Guided Tour
Werner Sübai
HPP Architekten, Düsseldorf
«Between digital technologies and human perception»
Stadtentwicklung – German
14:00 – 14:30
Eva Herr
Head of Municipal Planning Office, Cologne
14:30 – 15:00
Prof. Christian Heuchel
O&O Baukunst, Köln
André Hofmann
GAG Immobilien AG, Köln
«Stadtplanung in demokratischen Strukturen: Prof. Christian Heuchel trifft die Wohnungsbaugesellschaft»
15:00 – 15:30
Marco Keller
SIGNA, Wien, München, Bozen, Berlin, Düsseldorf
«Kooperative Quartiersentwicklung»
15:30 – 16:00
Panel Discussion
16:00 - 17:30
Guided Tour
Florian Kraft
Stefan Forster Architekten, Frankfurt am Main
«Vom Geben und Nehmen - ein kleiner Streifzug durch den openBIM-Prozess»
AI + Production – English
10:00 – 10:30
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan
CCR Center Construction Robotics, RWTH Aachen
«Internet of Construction»
10:30 – 11:00
Patrick Lüth
Snøhetta, Innsbruck
«Exploring the Interface – How digital strategies shape the design process»
11:00 – 11:30
Prof. Dr. Lucio Blandini
Werner Sobek AG, Stuttgart zu Werner Sobek AG | ILEK, Stuttgart
«Digitalisation as the key to lightweight construction 2.0»
11:30 – 12:00
Panel Discussion
12:00 – 12:30
12:00 - 13:30
Guided Tour
Evy Slabbinck
Design-to-Production, Zurich
«Digital thinking and designing the future»
KI + Produktion – German
14:00 – 14:30
Prof. Norman Hack
Institute Digital Fabrication, TU Braunschweig
«Additve Fertigung im Bauwesen»
14:30 – 15:00
Dr. Russell Loveridge
dfab, NCCR Digital Fabrication, Zürich
«Digital Fabrication - Future Construction Technologies and Practice»
15:00 – 15:30
Wiebke Ahues
blocher partners, Berlin
Maria Wyller
David Chipperfield Architects, Berlin
«Robotik und nachhaltige Ästhetik»
15:30 – 16:00
Panel Discussion
16:00 - 17:30
Guided Tour
Arnold Walz
Design-to-Production, Stuttgart
«Irgendwie digital»
Forschen + Praxis – German
10:00 – 10:30
Hans Schneider
«Digitale Lösungen vom Land – Innovative Arbeitsplätze bei IGZ in Falkenberg»
10:30 – 11:00
Prof. Jan Knippers
Jan Knippers Ingenieure, Stuttgart
«Robotisches Bauen für die Zukunft der Architektur»
11:00 – 11:30
Prof. Ilija Vukorep
LOMA, Kassel
11:30 – 12:00
Wilfried Kramb
a.g Licht, Köln
«Licht im digitalen Raum»
12:00 – 12:30
Panel Discussion
12:30 - 14:00
Guided Tour
Elias Baumgarten
World-Architects, Zürich
«Kreativer Freiraum in strukturbehafteten und langwierigen Planungsprozessen»
Gerald Böse, Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Dieter Schäfer, Prof. Joaquin Diaz,
Inga Stein-Barthelmes, Ernst Uhing and Jörg Ziolkowski; Statement (digital) by Francesca Bria
Gerald Böse, Chairman of the Board of Management, Koelnmesse GmbH; Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Management
Messe München GmbH; Dieter Schäfer, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Messe BAU; Prof. Joaquin Diaz, Chairman of the Board of
Bundesverband Bausoftware; Inga Stein-Barthelmes, Managing Director planen-bauen 4.0; Ernst Uhing, President of the Chamber of
Architects NRW; Jörg Ziolkowski, Managing Director ASTOC Architects and Planners; moderated by Renato Turri, CEO World-Architects.
Statement (digital) by Francesca Bria, President of the Italian National Innovation Fund, CDP Venture Capital Sgr, Rome.
Jörg Ziolkowski «Big Picture - Big Data» | Vortrag
Managing Partner | ASTOC Architects and Planners, Cologne |
Jörg Ziolkowski is Managing Partner at ASTOC ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS in Cologne. As a BIM expert,
Jörg Ziolkowski is regularly involved as a speaker at various professional events and, among other things,
as an active member of buildingSMART e.V. and as a member of the 12th Representative Assembly of the
Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Landscape architect Martin Rein-Cano, founder of the Berlin-based office TOPOTEK 1, is one of the
most important representatives of his generation in the field of urban design. Since 1996, TOPOTEK
1 has been working and implementing projects in interdisciplinary teams on an international scale.
In addition, the designer, who works with a communicative, associative approach, established a successful
architecture unit at two locations, Berlin and Zurich, in 2018. The best practice example for digital
application in his projects is the groundbreaking collaboration with BIG Architects and Superflex in
Copenhagen: Superkilen. The project illustrates his attitude and approach to city and society: always
thinking outside the box, critically and playfully at the same time.
Francesca Ferguson «Process and change management for our time: urban design strategies for the big rethink on urban reuse strategies» | Vortrag
Reviewer, Consultant | CEO Make_Shift GmbH, Berlin/London |
Francesca Ferguson, CEO of Make_Shift GmbH is a critic and advisor on urban change management.
She is Founding director of MakeCity – the biggest international trans-sectoral festival on
architecture and urban alternatives in Germany. Her expertise is process management –
designing cultural re-use projects and developing mixed use concepts in cooperation with
municipalities. Managing multiple stakeholders – architects, planners, the civic initiatives and
city administrators - to rethink and solve the urgent issues of empty real estate and to reactivate urban quarters.
Panel Discussion with Jörg Ziolkowski, Martin Rein-Cano, Francesca Ferguson und Elias Baumgarten
Werner Sübai was born in 1962 in Düsseldorf. He completed his architectural studies at the Bergische University
in Wuppertal. After working in the office of Overdieck and Petzinka in the 1980s, he came to HPP in 1989, where
he has worked as project partner since 1999, as an associate in the Düsseldorf office since 2008 and has been
senior partner since 2018. Since the 1990s he has also focused on the international orientation of the architectural
practice. Sübai was awarded with the Saxon State Prize for Architecture for the restoration of the Leipzig
Central Train Station in 1999. Sübai is a member of the Chamber of Architects in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Between digital technologies and human perception
"Parametric design and three-dimensional planning support the comprehensive understanding of architectural
tasks and help with accurate and consistent decision-making process in design and construction planning. The
three-dimensional model enables conceptual analysis as well as the architecturally accurate solutions and it
offers a complex, virtual image of reality before the actual construction. But how does it take into account
influences on real human perception in the later physical space? How can digital surfaces and tools address aspects
such as haptics, acoustics and visual perception? On our tour, we will deal with this interface between real
sensation and digital technologies.“
Werner Sübai, Shareholder HPP Architekten GmbH
Eva Herr studied architecture at the Bauhaus University in Weimar and gained professional experience as an architect in Berlin.
In 2005, she went to Cardiff University for postgraduate studies in urban and regional planning and worked as an urban designer
in the UK, first at the Essex Regional Council and later at the London Development Agency.
After professional stations in Bremen, Cologne and Hamburg, she has been head of the Cologne Municipal Planning Office since
2019. Among other things, the planning office develops the complete urban land use planning for the city area of Cologne. Other
key tasks include the planning control of the projects Parkstadt Süd, Deutzer Hafen and Kreuzfeld. In addition, the office is
responsible for the design of public spaces, including the upgrading of the cathedral area, the "Via Culturalis" and the redesign
of Ebertplatz.
Prof. Christian Heuchel «Stadtplanung in demokratischen Strukturen: Prof. Christian Heuchel trifft die Wohnungsbaugesellschaft» | Vortrag
Christian Heuchel is an artist, architect and university professor. He studied architecture in Karlsruhe and at the
Düsseldorf Art Academy, where he has taught since 2000. He is founder of the rheinflügel architects’ association, the
bureau Heuchel Klag artists’ office and the ULTRASTUDIO artists’ collective. He is managing partner of O&O Baukunst
in Cologne and Vienna. At the Complutense University of Madrid he has been a member of the Advisory Board at the Art
and City Department since 2020.
André Hofmann «Stadtplanung in demokratischen Strukturen: Prof. Christian Heuchel trifft die Wohnungsbaugesellschaft» | Vortrag
André Hofmann studied Industrial Engineering with specialization in Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen
University. Since 2021 he works as Innovation Manager at GAG Immobilien AG. His expertise lies in driving
forward digitization topics as well as identifying and leveraging innovation potential and new business ideas.
In his previous professional positions in the energy and chemical industries, the primary focus of his work
has always been on innovation and digitization.
Marco Keller «Kooperative Quartiersentwicklung» | Vortrag
SIGNA Real Estate has been developing sophisticated real estate projects in cooperation with outstanding architects
in central locations in Germany and Austria for over 20 years. The benchmarks are economic efficiency, technology and
sustainability. Digital strategies are created in the in-house SCAX units (Signa Concept Architecture Experience) and
with individual investments in start-ups. SIGNA’s portfolio includes the Crysler Building in New York, the KaDeWe
and the Upper West Tower at the Gedächtniskirche in Berlin, and the Elbtower high-rise project with Chipperfield
in Hamburg’s HafenCity. Marco Keller is Branch Manager for the Düsseldorf location ofSIGNA Real Estate and is
responsible for project developments in the Rhine-Ruhr region. Previously, the father of three worked as a development
manager for various real estate companies, including Proximus Real Estate AG, Immofinanz and Multi Development.
Panel Discussion with Hans-Martin Wolff, Prof. Christian Heuchel, André Hofmann, Marco Keller und Elias Baumgarten
Stefan Forster Architekten, Frankfurt am Main |
Florian Kraft, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt, geboren 1975 in Regensburg, ist seit 2013 Partner und geschäftsführender
Gesellschafter von Stefan Forster Architekten. Im Anschluss an eine Lehre als Zimmermann studierte er Architektur
in Dresden und Istanbul. Seit 2003 ist er für Stefan Forster Architekten tätig. 2018 gründete er zusammen mit
Stefan Forster und Torben Wadlinger die Schwestergesellschaft »Compendium BIM + Kybernetik GmbH & Co. KG«, die
auf digitales Projektmanagement und digitale Prozesssteuerung spezialisiert ist.
Vom Geben und Nehmen - ein kleiner Streifzug durch den openBIM-Prozess
„OpenBIM, also die Zusammenarbeit an einem Projekt mittels verschiedenster Softwarelösungen ist inzwischen etabliert. Viele
Softwarehersteller bieten die entsprechenden Schnittstellen zum Datenaustausch und zur Kommunikation in ihren Programmen an.
Unsere Tour wird ausgewählte Mitspieler im BIM-Projekt besuchen, Autorensoftware für Architekten, TGA-Planer und Statiker, Lösungen
zur Modellprüfung und Kommunikation vorstellen und sehen, welche Möglichkeiten zur interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit vorhanden sind..
In der Praxis müssen die Workflows verlässlich funktionieren, aber genau an diesen Schnittstellen kommt es
oft zu kleinen und großen Problemen. Daher werden wir auch kritisch nachfragen: wie funktioniert die
Zusammenarbeit, was geht, und was nicht? Und vor allem: wie sieht es mit der Prozesstauglichkeit aus, denn genau
darauf kommt es in erfolgreichen Projekten an!“
Florian Kraft, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Stefan Forster Architekten
Architect, Founder and Director for individualized construction production RWTH Aachen |
Sigrid Brell-Cokcan is founder and head of the Chair of Individualized Production in
Architecture (IP) at RWTH Aachen University
and president of the Association for Robots in Architecture (RiA), which was founded
in 2010 and is dedicated to research into
industrial robots for applications in architecture, design and art. Together with
Johannes Braumann, she has pioneered the easy
operation of industrial robots for the creative industries in recent years and has
collaborated on international research and
industry projects. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan co-founded the cross-faculty Center for
Construction Robotics (CCR) and together with her
IP Team nominated for the KUKA Innovation Award 2021.
Patrick Lüth «Exploring the Interface – How digital strategies shape the design process» | Vortrag
Architect, Visionary, Managing Director and Partner at Snøhetta | Snøhetta,
Innsbruck |
Architect Patrick Lüth has headed Snøhetta‘s studio in Innsbruck since 2011. In
2005, after studying architecture in Innsbruck,
he started as an intern at the office in Oslo. Since then, he has been involved in
numerous international architectural competitions
and some of Snøhetta‘s best-known design submissions. Due to his in depth interest
in complex 3D programmes, the trained carpenter
found Snøhetta‘s way of working, which places as much emphasis on traditional
craftsmanship as it does on the latest digital
technologies, very appealing. Among other things, he is responsible for the
Swarovski projects „Crystal Worlds Evolution“,
Manufaktur, an innovative building for production and creative collaboration, and
the new wooden building for ASI Reisen.
Prof. Dr. Lucio Blandini «Digitalisation as the key to lightweight construction 2.0» | Vortrag
Architect & Engineer, Member of the Board and Partner at Werner Sobek AG, Stuttgart | Head of ILEK - Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design |
Prof. Dr. Lucio Blandini is managing director and partner at Werner Sobek AG in
His focus is on innovation & knowledge management, making use of various digital
methods and digital interfaces.
Since 2018, he has been in charge of the digital research project DigitalTwin as
project manager, in which renowned partners
from industry and research further develop digital tools and techniques to network
services, processes and workflows along
the construction value chain. In addition, he has been heading the Institute for
Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design
(ILEK) at the University of Stuttgart since 2020 as Werner Sobek‘s successor.
Panel Discussion with Prof. Dr. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan, Patrick Lüth, Prof. Dr. Lucio Blandini und Elias Baumgarten
Evy L. M. Slabbinck is a structural engineer and architect working for more than three years at Design-to-Production Zurich,
and is besides filling the role as Assistant Manager, responsible for International Sales, Project Development and Timber
Consultancy. She is currently also teaching Structural Design at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. Previously
she was a Research Associate and tutor at the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design at the University of
Stuttgart, where she currently finishes her PhD under Prof. Dr.-Ing Jan Knippers. She obtained the degree “Master of Science
in Architectural Engineering” at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Universite Libre de Bruxelles, and also holds a Master
of Science from the University of Stuttgart. She gained her professional experience in various international practices,
where she worked as a membrane engineer and computational specialist in several international projects.
Digital thinking and designing the future
"Currently the building industry is facing some tough challenges. The ongoing urbanisation demands huge quantities of new housing
and infrastructure in inner cities, but the construction industry is stuck in the past and failed to grow and innovate at the
necessary pace and lacks a profitable, high productive prospect. While in other economic sectors, labour productivity has been
growing for years at astonishing rates (+90% in Germany’s non-building industry since 1991) and partially makes up for the
shortage of skilled labour. The sector of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) on the other hand, is dramatically
lagging behind and has not yet managed to benefit substantially from the digital revolution. At the same time another urgent
problem occurs regarding a sustainable future and reducing global carbon emissions. The building construction is responsible
for an approximate 11% of the annual global greenhouse gas emissions. It’s important to take up responsibility and strive for
renewable-low carbon building materials, timber construction is the future!“
Evy Slabbinck, Project Development Design-to-Production
Researcher | Professor for Digital Building Fabrication TU
Braunschweig |
Norman Hack is an architect and a researcher in the field of digital fabrication. He
holds a degree in architecture from Technical University Vienna
and the Architectural Association in London. His interest in seamless digital design
and fabrication processes led him to peruse a doctorate with
Gramazio Kohler Research at ETH Zurich as part of the NCCR Digital Fabrication.
From 2018 until 2021 Norman held a tenure track professorship for Digital Building Fabrication at the Institute of Structural Design (ITE) at Technische Universität Braunschweig. At the beginning of 2022 he was appointed full professor in Digital Construction at the same institute.
Dr. Russell Loveridge «Digital Fabrication - Future Construction Technologies and Practice» | Vortrag
Architect, Digital Expert, Managing Director of the Swiss National Research Focus (NCCR) Digital Fabrication | DFAB, Zurich |
Russell Loveridge studied civil engineering and architecture, completed his
professional bachelors degree in Toronto, Canada,
his MAS Diploma in Architecture at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and obtained his
doctorate at the EPF Lausanne, Switzerland.
He has worked professionally in construction and architecture, but also has
extensive experience in academia and was previously
the Research Director at the Laboratory for Architectural Production (LAPA) at the
EPF Lausanne. His research focuses on
innovative manufacturing processes and material systems as well as novel
construction methods, in consideration of
the design process.
Wiebke Ahues «Robotik und nachhaltige Ästhetik» | Vortrag
Architect, Director Berlin Office blocher partners | blocher partners, Berlin |
Wiebke Ahues studied architecture at the University of Dortmund and the Technical
University of Dresden.
Since 2015, she has been working in the Berlin office of David Chipperfield
Architects, where she has
been an associate since 2017. She is responsible for an interdisciplinary
acquisition team. Using digital
planning and construction methods, she creates timber hybrid constructions,
parametrically designed
façades and develops practical approaches for reuse and robotics with Maria Wyller.
She supports the
research project “shaping space” of Professor Christoph Gengnagel, Berlin University
of the Arts (udk),
with her practical know-how. From March 2021 she will be working for blocherpartners
as Director Berlin Office.
Architect, Visionary | David Chipperfield Architects, Berlin |
Maria Wyller studied architecture at the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology and computational design
and digital fabrication at the University of Stuttgart under Professor A. Menges and
Professor J. Knippers.
During her studies she gained professional experience at Wulf Architekten in
Stuttgart, and since 2020 she has
been working as an architect at David Chipperfield Architects in Berlin. Maria
Wyller has published papers on
topics such as adaptive architecture, mobile robotics,and integrative design
Maria Wyller «Robotik und nachhaltige Ästhetik» | Vortrag
Arnold Walz studierte Architektur und Stadtplanung an der Universität Stuttgart mit Schwerpunkt Baukonstruktion und Planungstheorie.
Schon 1986 entwickelte er erste parametrische Werkzeuge zur Optimierung komplexer Strukturen. Später programmierte er als einer der
ersten Architekten in Europa parametrisch-assoziative Werkzeuge, um Planungsprozesse zu automatisieren und Daten für die analoge,
wie auch digitale Produktion zur Verfügung zu stellen. Mit der Entwicklung neuer Konstruktionen und digitaler Details vervollständigt
er seine eigene digitale Transformation. Mit diesen Planungswerkzeugen unterstützte er viele Architekten und Ingenieure in den letzen
Jahrzehnten bei der Planung und Umsetzung neuer Entwürfe wie zum Beispiel UN-Studio bei der komplexen Geometrie des Mercedes Benz
Museums in Stuttgart, ein frühes Beispiel für die Generierung von Gebäudegeometrie. 2006 gründete Arnold Walz zusammen mit Fabian
Scheurer die Firma „Design-to-Production“, um die planungstheoretischen Ansätze seiner bisherigen Arbeit verstärkt mit Aspekten der
industriellen, computergesteuerten Produktion zu ergänzen. Seit einigen Jahren arbeitet Design-to-Production daran ihre bewährten
Planungsmethoden auch im Bereich konventionelle Architektur einzusetzen.
Irgendwie digital
„In der Bauindustrie, und nicht nur dort, wir viel über Digitalisierung gesprochen. Da wir in der deutschen Sprache den Unterschied
zwischen „digitisation“ und „digitalisation“ nicht kennen, bleibt das immer unscharf. „digitisation“ hat den Zweck, analoge Dateien
digital umzuwandeln. „digitalisation” hat den Zweck, diese digitalen Dateien und Technologien in automatisierten Prozessen zu nutzen.
Vieles im heutigen architektonischen Planungsprozess, also das Zeichnen von Wänden indem man mit Hilfe eines Programs mit einer Maus
über den Tisch schabt, ist nach wie vor der ersten Kategorie zuzuordnen. Digitalisierung der zweiten Kategorie heißt für mich:
automatisieren von Planungsprozessen, ableiten von Produktionsdaten, Steuerung von Fertigungs- und Montageprozessen. Durch einfaches
oder auch kompliziertes “digitising” von analogen Prozessen kann man keine wirkliche Steigerung der Produktivität erreichen. Es wurde
lange genug versucht. Unter diesen Prämissen sollten wir uns das Angebot an Planungswerkzeugen betrachten und vielleicht auch damit
beginnen, eigene Vorstellungen zur Steigerung der Produktivität in der Bauindustrie zu formulieren.“
Arnold Walz, Managing Partner Design-to-Production, Stuttgart
Architect, Partner | Jürgen Mayer H Architekten und Partner, Berlin |
J. MAYER H. was founded by Jürgen Mayer H. in 1996 in Berlin. Since 2014 Andre
Santer and Hans Schneider are partners of the office.
J. MAYER H. und Partner works at the interfaces of architecture, communication
design and new technologies.
The use of interactive media and responsive materials plays a central role in the
production of space.
This is clearly reflected, among other things, in their IGZ Campus project in
Falkenberg, where the focus is on innovative
building technology, Working 4.0 and the creation of regional ties with the brand
„IGZ - Die SAP Ingenieure“ as an
innovative and responsible employer.
Prof. Jan Knippers «Robotisches Bauen für die Zukunft der Architektur» | Vortrag
Civil Engineer, Head of the Institute for Building Structures and Structural Design
at the University of Stuttgart | Jan Knippers Ingenieure, Stuttgart |
Jan Knippers studied civil engineering at TU Berlin, where he earned his doctorate
in 1992. From 2001 to 2017 he was a
partner at Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering. Key projects from this period
include the EXPO Axis in Shanghai, the
Thematic Pavilion in Yeosu and the Gallery of the Berlin State Opera. Since 2000 he
has been director of the Institute
for Building Structures and Structural Design at the University of Stuttgart. In
2018 he founded Jan Knippers Ingenieure,
based in Stuttgart.
Prof. Ilija Vukorep «Transinformationen» | Vortrag
The architect Ilija Vukorep together with landscape architect
and urban planner Wolfgang
Schück have been running the planning office LOMA architecture. landscape.urbanism
since 1999. From the beginning,
the interdisciplinary team has specialised in a field of work that results from the
intersection of architecture,
landscape architecture and urban planning. In recent years, the team has intensively
focused on digital design methods
and the interfaces to construction; „parametric design“ is regularly used in their
daily work. The example of the Summer
Island project for the Federal Garden Exhibition (BUGA) 2019 in Heilbronn is a good
illustration of the entire process:
in the planning phase, the entire landscape formation was created parametrically; in
the construction process, the data
from the digital model was transferred to the control system of the excavators and
implemented directly.
There were no classic plans for this project.
Wilfried Kramb «Licht im digitalen Raum» | Vortrag
Lighting Designer, Founding Partner a · g Licht | a·g Licht, Bonn |
Wilfried Kramb studied interior design in Wiesbaden and subsequently worked in
lighting design and interior design offices
in Germany and Australia. In 1996, he founded the lighting design office a•g Licht
in Bonn together with Klaus Adolph and
has now been running the firm in Cologne with his office partner Daniel Walden since
2018. At digitalBAU, he presents
implementations of his projects in which digitalisation has had an influence on
lighting design. Theoretical possibilities
and research are often much further advanced than the user wants them to be in
practice: how far can you go? How far do you
actually go? And, why not go further? A critical examination from the lighting
designer’s point of view.
Panel Discussion with Hans Schneider, Prof. Jan Knippers, Prof. Ilija Vukorep, Wilfried Kramb und Elias Baumgarten
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