Prof. Olaf Arne Drehsen
Founding General Partner
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Born 1967 in Düren, Germany | 1987–1994 studied architecture at RWTH Aachen | 1990–1993 worked at Behnisch + Partner, Stuttgart | 1994–1995 worked at Kowalski in Düsseldorf | 1995 founded own architecture firm in Aachen | 1995–1998 worked at the office of Gerkan, Marg und Partner (gmp), Hamburg/ Aachen | 1998 founded WJD Architekten in Cologne with Frederik Jaspert | 2000 founded JSWD Architekten in Cologne with Frederik and Konstantin Jaspert, Jürgen Steffens and Rolf Watrin | since 2000 managing partner of JSWD, Cologne | since 2009 sole managing partner of JSWD Architekten GmbH & Co. KG | since 2015 vice president of the Designing Advisory Council of the city of Düren, Germany | since 2019 Associate Professor at the University of South Florida (USF), School of Architecture and Community Design (SACD), USA | from august 2020 Professor (Markborough Distinguished chair) at the USF SACD

Konstantin Jaspert
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Born 1961 in Trier (Treves), Germany | 1982–1989 studied architecture at RWTH Aachen | 1989 Diploma, Friedrich Wilhelm Award of RWTH Aachen | 1989–1992 worked at Schuster Architekten, Düsseldorf | 1991–1996 assistant to Prof. Volkwin Marg at RWTH Aachen | 1992 cofounded Jaspert & Steffens Architekten in Cologne with Jürgen Steffens | 1999 appointment to the Cologne branch of the Association of German Architects (BDA) | since 2000 partner at JSWD Architekten, Cologne| 2001 lecturer at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences | 2001–2004 member of the board of the Cologne branch of the Association of German Architects (BDA) | since 2009 shareholder of JSWD Architekten GmbH & Co. KG

Frederik Jaspert
Founding Partner
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Born 1965 in Cologne, Germany | 1986–1987 studied music and drama at the University of Cologne, Germany | 1987–1994 studied architecture at RWTH Aachen | 1989 worked at Behnisch + Partner, Stuttgart |1994 Diploma, Friedrich Wilhelm Award of RWTH Aachen | 1995–1999 worked at Gerkan, Marg und Partner (gmp), Hamburg/ Aachen | 1996–2001 assistant to Prof. Volkwin Marg at RWTH Aachen | 1998 founded WJD Architekten in Cologne with Olaf Drehsen | 2000 founded JSWD Architekten in Cologne with Konstantin Jaspert, Jürgen Steffens, Rolf Watrin and Olaf Drehsen | since 2000 partner of JSWD, Cologne | 2010–2011 visiting professorship at RWTH Aachen, Germany I 2014 Guest critic at Hochschule Anhalt, Germany

Christian Mammel
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Born 1977 in Cologne, Germany I 1997-2003 studies in architecture at RWTH Aachen I 2003 diploma with honours; teaching and research area of CAAD, Prof. Peter Russell I Awarded the ‘Springorum Medal’ for outstanding academic achievements at RWTH Aachen I until 2004 work in various architecture offices, including Eike Becker Architekten, Berlin and Stücheli Architekten, Zurich I since 2004 work at the office JSWD, Cologne I 2007 research associate at the Chair of Supporting Structures, RWTH Aachen, Prof. Martin Trautz I 2009 - 2020 member of the board of the koelnarchitektur e.V. association I since 2009 Associate Partner in the office of JSWD I since 2009 Associate Partner at the office JSWD I since 2024 Partner in the office of JSWD

Hermann J. Norda
Associate Partner
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Born 1969 in Sögel, Germany I 1991 - 1992 studies in construction engineering at RWTH Aachen I 1992-1997 studies in architecture at TH Lübeck I until 2000 work at Bruch Architekten, Lübeck I 2000 - 2010 work in various architecture offices, u.a. bei Eike Becker Architects, Berlin and project manager in the office of HDR-TMK Planungsgesellschaft f. Bauten des Gesundheitswesens I until 2013 project partnership in the office of HDR Germany (today: Telluride Architektur), Kiel I 2013 project manager of the Asklepios Clinics, Hamburg I 2014 - 2019 project manager of ÖPP UKSH (in cooperation with JSWD) bei HDR Germany I 2020 project manager in the office of Züblin AG, Hamburg I since 2021 Senior Associate in the office of JSWD, Management of JSWD Health Care I since 2023 member of AGK, Architekten für Krankenhausbau und Gesundheitswesen e.V. I since 2024 Associate Partner in the office of JSWD

Mario Pirwitz
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Born 1978 in Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany | 1999-2006 studies in architecture at RWTH Aachen I 2006 diploma with honours, Awarded the ‘Springorum Medal’ for outstanding academic achievements at RWTH Aachen I until 2005 work in various architecture offices, including tp bennett, London I 2007 research associate at the Chair of Supporting Structures, RWTH Aachen, Prof. Martin Trautz I 2011 – 2013 project manager in the office JSWD, Cologne I since 2013 project partnership in the office of JSWD, Cologne I since 2016 guest critic and speaker at the Bartlett School of Architecture, London and at the TH Cologne I since 2017 Associate Partner at the office of JSWD I since 2024 Partner at the office of JSWD

Helmut Schröder
Associate Partner
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Born 1970 in Gütersloh, Germany I 1991 - 1993 Apprenticeship as a carpenter in Gütersloh I 1993 - 2002 work at the office Spooren Architekten, Gütersloh I 1995 - 2002 studies in architecture at Technical College FH Lippe, Detmold I 2000 -2002 work at FH Lippe, chair of CAD, Prof. Hagemann I since 2002 work at the office JSWD, Cologne I 2010 - 2014 Assistant to the Management Board of JSWD I since 2018 Managing Director of JSWD I since 2024 Associate Partner in the JSWD office

Jürgen Steffens
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Born 1960 in Trier (Treves), Germany | 1982–1989 studied architecture at RWTH Aachen, Germany | 1989–1992 worked at Behnisch + Partner, Stuttgart | 1992–1995 assistant to Prof. Vladimir Nikolic at RWTH Aachen | 1992 founded Jaspert & Steffens Architekten in Cologne with Konstantin Jaspert | 2000 founded JSWD Architekten in Cologne with Frederik and Konstantin Jaspert, Rolf Watrin and Olaf Drehsen | since 2000 partner of JSWD, Cologne | since 2001 lecturer, among others, at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences | 2002 substitute professor at Bochum University of Applied Sciences | 2003 – 2006 visiting professorship at "University of Mining and Technology", Xuzhou, China I 2005 substitute professor at TU Darmstadt, Medal of Honour of the Faculty of Architecture | since 2003 member of the board of koelnarchitektur e. V. association, the Cologne online forum for architecture and urban planning, since 2006 chairman of the board | since 2015 visiting professorship at "School of Architecture and Design", Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Tobias Unterberg
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Born 1976 in Oberhausen, Germany I 1997-2000 studies in architecture at TU Dortmund Germany I 2000-2004 studies in architecture at RWTH Aachen, Germany I 2004 - 2013 project manager in the office Gerkan Marg und Partner (gmp), Aachen I 2008 Red Dot Design Award I 2013 project manager in the office of JSWD, Cologne I since 2013 project partnership in the office of JSWD I since 2017 Associate Partner at the JSWD office, Cologne I since 2024 Partner at the JSWD office