Domotex 2017 - The World of Flooring

Guided Tour 1 - Lien Tran
- Lien Tran Interior Design, Berlin |
Visited booths:
Fletco Carpets | Tapibel N.V. | Forbo Flooring B. | Jaipur Rugs Company PVT. LTD. | Ayka Design | Wool And Silk LLC | Wasziederij De Vesting BV | Li & Co. | Baltic Wood S.A | Havwood LTD
CV Lien Tran
The interior designer Lien Tran was born in 1975 in Vietnam to Chinese parents and has been living in Germany since the age of three. Growing up in Europe, she was strongly influenced by Western culture, but still finds inspiration in her Asian heritage. She seeks to combine the features of these two distinct worlds to transmit her unique perspective through her work. After her interior design studies in Coburg and Hildesheim, she worked for Elsa Prochazka in Vienna and Yasmine Mahmoudieh in Berlin. In 2006, she founded her own studio for architecture and design and now works with her team on national and international projects.
Themed Tour - Future Living : Alfredo Häberli, Martin Haller & Melanie Seifert
- Alfredo Häberli, Designer, Zurich |
- Martin Haller, Architect, Linz |
- Melanie Seifert, Journalist, Munich |

Guided Tour 2 - Stefan Diez
- Stefan Diez, Office for Industrial Design, Munich |
Visited booths:
Unilin bvba - division flooring | Forbo Flooring B. | Aquafil S.p.A | Rug Star | Galleria Battilossi SA | Rug Art | Hossein Rezvani | Li & Co. | iDeck S.r.l. | Pacific Wood S.A.C.
CV Stefan Diez
Stefan Diez introduction to furniture design started in 1991 when for three years he worked as a cabinet maker. Diez went on to study at Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart in 1996 where he attained a Diploma in Industrial Design. He founded his studio in 2003 and since then has worked in various fields of design ranging from furniture and tableware to industrial design, as well as exhibition design for companies like Authentics, e15, Gandia Blasco, Hay, Moroso, Rosenthal, Thonet, Wilkhahn and others. Some of his products have received international design awards, among others the “Designpreis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland”, the “IF Gold award” and the “red dot best of the best award”. Since 2007 he is Professor for Industrial Design at the HFG Karlsruhe. Diez works intensively with materials, technology and is passionate in his quest to fathom out their limitations. Together with his office they develop products that are precise, yet simple and above all are meant to meet human needs.

Guided Tour 3 - Lisa Pavitschitz
- INpuls Interior / Design / Architecture, Munich |
Visited booths:
Forbo Flooring B.V. | Tapibel N.V. | Aquafil S.p.A. | Lofec GmbH | SELIT Dämmtechnik GmbH | Hossein Rezvanis | Mariantonia Urru | Ayka Design | Jaipur Rugs Company PVT. LTD. | Galleria Battilossi SA
CV Lisa Pavitschitz
Lisa Pavitschitz hat in St. Pölten an der New Design University Innenarchitektur studiert. Nach Tätigkeiten in verschiedenen Büros in Wien, St. Pölten und New York arbeitet sie nun seit 2016 für INpuls. Hier ist sie verantwortlich für Planung und Ausführung von unterschiedlichen Projekten in den Bereichen Arbeitswelten, Retail, privater Wohnungsausbau, Messe und Ausstellungsdesign. Zusätzlich hat sie den Bereich Presse und Research im Büro inne.
Themed Tour - Trend-Spotting : Trendtable Young Designers & Melanie Seifert
- Trendtable Young Designers
- Melanie Seifert, Journalist, Munich |

Guided Tour 4 - Dorothee Maier
- Meierei Innenarchitektur | Design, Munich |
Visited booths:
Forbo Flooring B.V. | Aquafil S.p.A. | InstaFloor SA (Pty) Ltd. | Wakol GmbH | Galleria Battilossi SA | Art Resources | Jaipur Rugs Company PVT. LTD | Mariantonia Urru | Li & Co | UAB "Abovo Wood" / Bonum Wood | Maderera Río Acre S.A.C.
CV Dorothee Maier
Projekte: Shop und CI für addore / München // Showroom Friends für Bauwerk Capital / München - Special Mention German Design Award Office Modernisierung für LBBW / München // Shop und CI für ANVI / München // Hotel Post Dachgeschoss in Holzbauweise / Aschheim b. München - Nominee German Design Award Office für SAT 1 / München // Shop & Messe für Büttenpapierfabrik Gmund / Gmund & Düsseldorf - Nominee German Design Award //// Berufstätigkeit: 2013 Mitglied BDIA / Beirat im LV Bayern // 2012 AIT INsider Award: "Innenarchitektin des Jahres" // 2003 Gründung meierei Innenarchitektur / Design // 2002 Bürogründung, Projekt: Sanierung Einzeldenkmal K20 / München - Fassadenpreis 2004 München 2001 Mitglied der Bayerischen Architektenkammer // 2000 - 2002 Matteo Thun / Mailand, Projekt: Vigilius Mountain Resort Südtirol // 1997 - 1999 Schmidhuber+Partner / München, Projekt: Unternehmenskommunikation / Akquise //// Ausbildung: Studium der Innenarchitektur in Rosenheim, Abschluss Dipl. Ing. FH Innenarchitektur // Auslandsaufenthalt USA // Ausbildung zur Schneiderin; Abschluss Geselle

Guided Tour 5 - Sabine Krumrey
- Meierei Innenarchitektur | Design, Munich |
Visited booths:
Forbo Flooring B.V. | Mapei GmbH | Edelgrund GmbH | Jaipur Rugs Company PVT. LTD. | Mariantonia Urru | Li & Co. | Havwood LTD | UAB "Abovo Wood" / Bonum Wood | FB Houtdistributeur BV
CV Sabine Krumrey
Studium an der FH Rosenheim, Verschiedene Station in Innenarchitekturbüros im Süden Deutschlands. Bereiche: Gesundheitswesen, Shop- und Messegestaltung, Hoteleinrichtungen, Office + Privateinrichtungen. Seit 1993 selbstständiges Büro für Innenarchitektur. Seit 1996 Zusammenarbeit mit Susanne Brandherm. 1999 Gründung von brandherm + krumrey Innenarchitektur in Köln. 2000 Gründung von brandherm + krumrey Innenarchitektur in Hamburg. Nominierung | Insider Award 2008. Ab 03 / 2015 Dozentur im Fachbereich ‘Raumkonzepte und Design’ an der AMD Akademie Mode und Design in Hamburg.
Themed Tour - Raum & Akustik
- Peter Haimerl, Peter Haimerl . Architektur, Munich |
- Melanie Seifert, Journalist, Munich |

Guided Tour 6 - Regina Dahmen-Ingenhoven
- drdi * architektur für das einundzwanzigste jahrhundert, Düsseldorf | Design, Munich |
Visited booths:
Forbo Flooring B.V. | Tapibel N.V. | Bijlard International B.V | Maderera Bozovich S.A. | Li & Co. | Edelgrund GmbH | Hossein Rezvani | Tissage / Kapoor Carpets | Rug Star
CV Regina Dahmen-Ingenhoven
Regina Dahmen-Ingenhoven | Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Architektin BDA | Studium der Architektur an der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, Diplom bei Prof. Fritz Eller, wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Lehrstuhl für Entwerfen von Hochbauten und Industriebauten bei Prof. Fritz Eller, Dissertation Orte der Animation, Architektur für Freizeit und Vergnügen im 21. Jahrhundert bei Prof. Eller, RWTH Aachen, Publikation Animation – form follows fun, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel. 2001 Gründung des Architekturbüros reginadahmeningenhoven mit Schwerpunkt Klinik-, Wellness-, Shop- und Fashion-Design. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften, Fachbüchern (Essays, etc.) und regelmäßige Vorträge.

Guided Tour 7 - Jana Vonofakos
- VRAI interior architecture, Frankfurt am Main | Design, Munich |
Visited booths:
Forbo Flooring B.V. | Floorify NV | Lofec GmbH | UAB "Abovo Wood" / Bonum Wood | Havwood LTD | Edelgrund GmbH | Mariantonia Urru | Rug Art | Hossein Rezvani | Rug Star
CV Jana Vonofakos
Jana Vonofakos is the co-owner of VRAI interior architecture. She runs the interior design office together with her partner Julius Reimann. They are based in Hamburg and Frankfurt. VRAI interior architecture specializes in hospitality design including hotels, restaurants & spas. After her vocational training as a technical drawer Jana studied interior design in Hildesheim, Germany, earning a degree as a technical engineer in 2005. In the same year Jana joined the team of JOI Design GmbH based in Hamburg and garnered experience in national and international hotel projects for almost ten years. During this time she worked for international brands like Hilton, Rezidor, Starwood, Kempinski and Accor as well as for small private hotels in Europe, Russia and China. Cultural characters and the diversity of the different markets have always been an interesting challenge for her. In addition to hotels, Jana developed several retail projects for customers such as the German confectioner brand Niederegger and the Austrian brand Swarovski. In her last four years with JOI Design she held an associate position with additional responsibilities, including communication and acquisition. In 2015 Jana and her partner Julius Reimann founded their own office. Together with three employees VRAI interior architecture is currently working on renovations and new constructions for international hotel brands like Park Inn and Radisson BLU, as well as several private luxury hotels and offices. Since 2011 Jana has been a member of the Chamber of Architects (Hamburg/Hessen) and has been a BDIA member since 2015. „Every project has its own history that we want to develop further with our body of thought.“
Themed Tour - Nachhaltigkeit
- Tina Kammer, InteriorPark, Stuttgart |
- Melanie Seifert, Journalist, Munich |
Feedback and requests
Peter Petz:
Sabina Marreiros: