
Egide Meertens Architecten

Woning S.-G.

Tervuren, 2020

Woning S.-G.

Egide Meertens Architecten

Woning D.-K.

Maasmechelen, 2019

Deze woning vormt het eindpunt van het straatbeeld in een doodlopende straat die overgaat in een wandelpad. Achter het bouwperceel ligt e...

Egide Meertens Architecten

Woning N.-S.

Kalmthout, 2020

Niets is wat het lijkt. Dit sterk horizontale architectuurontwerp gaat hand in hand met een sterke verticale interieurbeleving in de dubb...

Egide Meertens Architecten

Woning S.-V.

Oud-Herverlee, 2020

Bijzonder aan dit project is dat de opdrachtgever twee aangrenzende bouwpercelen had. Dat liet toe één perceel als zijtuin te benutten, w...

Egide Meertens Architecten

Woning J.-G.

Sint-Truiden, 2020

Interieur woning J.-G.

Egide Meertens Architecten

Woning C.-G.

Lanaken, 2020

Interieur woning C.-G.

Egide Meertens Architecten

Woning H.-S.

Houthalen, 2022

De opdrachtgever van deze woning is een bouwprofessional en dat mocht zich vertalen in een uitdagende constructie. Een inpandige garage w...

Egide Meertens Architecten

Woning L.-M.

Kapellen, 2021

In een doodlopende residentiële straat gaat deze woning in interactie met haar omgeving. Het ontwerp staat bescheiden in het groene kader...

Egide Meertens Architecten

Praktijkruimte Egide Meertens plus architecten

Riemst, 2021

De thuisbasis van Egide Meertens Plus Architecten is een schoolvoorbeeld van geslaagde uitbreiding door inbreiding en met respect voor de...

Compagnie O. Architects

HVZ FLUVIA Emergency Services Center

Kortrijk, 2021

The FLUVIA Emergency Service Center operates as the regional Fire station and Safety Center but also broadly invites the public to its in...

Steven Massart - Architectuurfotografie

Cycling through the Trees

Lommel, 2019

'Cycling through the Trees' in Bosland is a unique cycling experience where you cycle up to ten meters high between the trees. The cycle ...

Compagnie O. Architects

House Destelbergen

Destelbergen, 2020

This S-shaped house consists of meandering volumes, pathways and covered terraces that are woven into the surrounding natural landscape. ...

Compagnie O. Architects

Polyvalent Pavilion Brasschaat

Brasschaat, 2021

This pavilion is the much-needed expansion to a school for mentally and physically disabled children and covers the spaces that allow the...

Compagnie O. Architects

School for the Disabled Brasschaat

Brasschaat, 2020

We started the design for the primary school-extension not from a big architectural gesture, but from the smallest, most elementary schoo...

Compagnie O. Architects

Cemetery Pavilions Brasschaat

Brasschaat, 2021

The service buildings on all four of Brasschaat’s cemeteries are in need of an update. They fulfil the double function of reception and s...

Compagnie O. Architects

New Administrative Center

Brasschaat, 2018

To design an Administrative Centre mainly entails the design of relations – formal and distant relations (e.g. civilian-government, polic...

MTTR Architekten + Stadtplaner

Kindergarten und Grundschule Dilbeek

Dilbeek, 2017

Wettbewerb 2017 Das Gebäude ist ein Zusammenschluss von Kindergarten und Grundschule. Den pädagogischen Leitlinien des Trägers entsprech...


Notary Vuylsteke & Bunkens

Riemst, 2022

Renovation – New Construction – Interior


House JK

Heusden - Zolder, 2018

Architecture – Interior Design


House BR

Hasselt, 2015

Architecture – Interior – Design



Hasselt, 2016

Interior Design

Neutelings Riedijk Architects

Gare Maritime

Brussels, 2020

Name of work in EnglishGare MaritimeName of work in original languageGare Maritim...


Transformation et Extension Hahe

Heusy, 2020

Transformation et extension d'une habitation à Heusy. Cette maison de caractère verviétoise a subi une rénovation intérieure totale tan...

Achim Birnbaum

Landesvertretung Baden-Württemberg in Brüssel

Brüssel, 2021

Der Neubau wird hinter der erhaltenen historischen Fassade auf dem nur 17 Meter breiten, aber 65 Meter tiefen Grundstück erstellt. Das K...

Wim Goes Architectuur

House DD


A private house built on a hill in a forest outside of Ghent, Belgium. The layers of the facade mark a shift in intimacy towards the insi...

OYO Architects

Hof van Saeys

Dendermonde, 2023

OYO were approached to collaborate on a PPS development in Dendermonde’s city centre. The project would provide residential, commercial a...

Wim Goes Architectuur

WGL19, Lacquered Aluminium Library

Gent, 2019

Library WGL19 reinterprets a wooden design from 2007 as an aluminium version lacquered in a palette of four different colours. The sear...

Wim Goes Architectuur

FH2.0 Multi-Family House

Flanders, 2018

A multi-family house and yoga space built in urban area outside of Ghent, Belgium. The spaces are embraced by the brickstone walls, cont...

Wim Goes Architectuur

House T

Flanders, 2015

House T is situated in the context of a Flemish agricultural landscape and comprises of three building volumes connected to each other. E...

Wim Goes Architectuur

Blue Residence

Flanders, 2018

The Blue Residence is a part of an ensemble forming one: the renovation and extension of the Castle de Motte, onto which it is attached b...

Wim Goes Architectuur

Castle ‘de la Motte’

Flanders, 2017

Three parts form one part: the renovation and extension of a castle, a pavilion attached to a walled orchard and a connecting bridge. Ea...

Wim Goes Architectuur

Bridge L

Flanders, 2017

We restored and built an extension to a moated heritage castle in a park. A bridge was designed to connect the castle island with the wa...

De Bruycker – De Brock

Dr. Ryckaert

Knokke, 2021

The building site measuring 277 m² is located in the old village center of Knokke, just a stone’s throw away from the market. The assignm...

Studio Farris Architects

Antwerp Zoo

Antwerp, 2017

The Antwerp Zoo is located in the centre of Antwerp (Belgium), right next to the Antwerpen-Centraal railway station. It is the oldest ani...

Studio Farris Architects

De Loketten Flemish Parliament

Brussels, 2010

Studio Farris Architects, in collaboration with Stefan Schöning, won the competition to redesign the counter hall of the Flemish Parliame...

Studio Farris Architects

City Library

Bruges, 2016

In 2012, Studio Farris Architects won the competition which was organised by the City of Bruges for the renovation and expansion of the S...

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